Important year end dates:
Monday, May 17th: May Crowning for 2nd grade parents. Arrive at 10:15
Thursday, May 20th: Field Day - Team Shirts and Gym Shorts
Friday, May 21st: High School Choir Concert during Crusader Period
Monday, May 24th: Scapular Service for 3rd graders and parents following Mass.
Monday, May 24th: 8th grade class trip to Ligonier.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, May 26th - 28th: Final Exams for Seniors
Friday, May 28th: Last Day for Lower School. Brief athletic and academic
recognitions in the gym at 12:45. Closing Lower School Mass in the
Chapel at 1:10. Students may be dismissed following Mass if parents
are present.
Friday, May 28th: HS Academic Award Ceremony in the Rhodora: 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 29th: Baccalaureate Mass, 10:00 a.m. Seniors should arrive at
9:15 with their Display Board, Cap and Gown. Commencement to follow
Mass at 11:15.
Tuesday - Friday, June 1st - June 4th - Final Exams for MS/HS (HS only half day on
Friday, June 4th with 11:00 dismissal)
Thursday, June 3rd -- Last Day for Middle School
Friday, June 4th -- Last Final Exam (a.m.) for High School. 11:00 dismissal
Friday, June 4th -- MS Closing Mass and Academic Award Ceremony.
6:30 Mass honoring 8th graders, followed by Awards in the Rhodora.